Thursday, August 18, 2011

Maintaining Brand Relevance in an Ever-Changing World

By Andrew Fortunato
What Can Your Brand Learn From The Marines?

The marketplace is dynamic, and ever-changing.  As the environment changes, brands are constantly challenged to remain true to their core values, while at the same time remaining relevant to their customers.  The brand provides the foundation that a company or product is known for, and sets the consumer’s expectations.  Stray too far from your brand roots, and risk becoming unrecognizable and less credible in the eye of the consumer.  Fail to adapt to changing times, and risk losing touch with the loyal customer.

Maintaining relevance requires a brand to remain firmly grounded, while at the same time being responsive to change.  Enduring brands are able to proactively recognize change, adapt to new environments, remain true to the essence of their brand, and maintain meaningful consumer engagement.  The Marines are one brand that has endured and succeeded through constant change for over two centuries.  Tradition, improvise, adapt, overcome, innovate, lead, and win are the watchwords that have guided the organization in good times and bad.  These attributes provide agility in the marketplace and at the same time allow an organization to remain true to their brand.  
Learn more about what went into building the Marines brand, and how they maintained brand relevance in the face of a pronounced demographic shift. 

Click here to go to the podcast (28 minutes):

About the author:  Andrew Fortunato,, former Marketing Chief for the Marines, CMO, consultant, and speaker, advises and leads organizations seeking marketing and operational success.  Andrew shares insights in-person and on his “What Can Your Brand Learn From The Marines?TM” blog at
Copyright © Andrew Fortunato, 2011

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