Monday, November 21, 2011

Developing Emotional Connection With Your Brand

Guard Duty

By Andrew Fortunato

Really good advertisements seek to develop a meaningful emotional connection with an audience.  While evoking emotions that move consumers toward action to support your brand is the desired effect on the part of the advertiser, quite often that prized emotional connection is never achieved.  It is difficult in the corporate office sometimes to separate the leadership’s pride in an organization and a particular piece of advertising from the reality of the work.  Over time I have found it increasingly valuable to periodically step back from a work in progress and do a sanity check to make sure a commercial will touch the consumer in the intended manner.

The standard I still use to this day is the Marines’ “Guard Duty” commercial.  Guard Duty was developed to support the Marine Corps Reserves’ Toys for Tots annual toy drive in the late 1990s.  Guard Duty is still in use today, and I know of no other commercial that does a better job arousing emotions.  In Guard Duty you see a stoic US Marine in traditional Dress Blue uniform standing watch.  The Marine is unflinching in his duty.  As the Marine executes his duty, he is approached by a little boy.  The boy inquires, “excuse me, are you Santa Claus?”  The Marine doesn’t flinch, or seem to pay any attention.  Finally, at the end of the commercial, the Marine opens his hand to take the boy’s Christmas list.  I have been told by grown men, and combat veterans that this commercial brings a tear to their eyes.  See what you think.  You can take a peek at Guard Duty by clicking here. 

This week marks the official start of the Christmas shopping season.  Once again you will see Marines manning the malls of America and Toys for Tots collection boxes ready to be filled.  You can help the Marines make Christmas possible for less fortunate children.  You can also consider how you shape your advertising, and what standard you use to gauge the desired impact.  Maybe you will see Guard Duty, on TV.  Maybe not.  Either way you will see Marines doing one of the things they do best – helping others.  As the well known saying about Marines goes – “no better friend, no worse enemy”.  Guard Duty brings out some very real feelings that directly embody the Marines brand.  It gives you a lot to think about.

About the author:  Andrew Fortunato,, former Marketing Chief for the Marines, CMO, consultant, and speaker, advises and leads organizations seeking marketing and operational success.  Andrew shares insights in-person and on his “What Can Your Brand Learn From The Marines?TM” blog at 

Copyright © Andrew Fortunato, 2011

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