Thursday, August 25, 2011


By Andrew Fortunato
What Can Your Brand Learn From The Marines?

Have you ever seen a commercial or advertisement, and been left wondering exactly what it is that organization does?  With the ever increasing number of media channels to choose from, organizations can easily get sidetracked, and lose focus in their messaging.   In order to maintain clarity in brand messaging and overall strategic communications, it helps to stay grounded in one’s roots.  The brand vision is where those roots take hold.

Without a clear brand vision, an organization is like a ship on the stormy sea without a compass.  The brand vision sets the course for the entire outfit, and provides the foundation for all communications.  The brand vision is the ideal image of how an organization seeks to be known by the public at large, and its consumers.  The organizational leadership carries the torch of responsibility for ensuring that all marketing and advertising continually circles back to the brand vision in every piece of strategic communications.
It is easy to get lost in words when an organization doesn’t have a clear vision of what it is trying to communicate.  My advice is, don’t get lost in the words.  Keep it simple.  There is one thing your organization does better than everyone else, and is what your company is known for.  What is it?

The Marines are well known as a group of Smart, Tough, Elite Warriors.  Marines are known for what they do best – Make Marines, Win Battles.  You see this message in everything the Marines stand for, represent, and communicate.  The message is simple, focused, clear, and without confusion.     
How does your organization measure up?  Ask yourself -- what does your organization do?

About the author:  Andrew Fortunato,, former Marketing Chief for the Marines, CMO, consultant, and speaker, advises and leads organizations seeking marketing and operational success.  Andrew shares insights in-person and on his “What Can Your Brand Learn From The Marines?TM” blog at

Copyright © Andrew Fortunato, 2011

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