Friday, August 5, 2011

Brand Equity

By Andrew Fortunato
What Can Your Brand Learn From The Marines?

Your brand is a valuable commodity.  It has value.  The value of your brand today, is a direct reflection of everything your organization has done, or has failed to do to shape public perception.  The brand represents a significant investment in organization’s future.  You are either adding equity to your “brand bank”, or subtracting value all the time.  Building brand equity requires following one simple rule – always be adding value to the brand bank.  

With the Marines’ brand we applied a simple quality control test to everything we did.  We called it the “Blues Test”.  Quite simply, we asked the question, would a US Marine in full Dress Blue uniform look right in the environment being considered, if he were standing next to his grandmother, and would that appearance be what the American people expect from their Marines?  If the answer was “NO”, it wasn’t the right thing to do, and we didn’t do it.

What is your brand worth, and how do you decide what is right for your brand?  Do the right thing for your customers and your company. 

About the author:  Andrew Fortunato,, former Marketing Chief for the Marines, CMO, consultant, and speaker, advises and leads organizations seeking marketing and operational success.  Andrew shares insights in-person and on his “What Can Your Brand Learn From The Marines?TM” blog at

Copyright © Andrew Fortunato, 2011

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